Friday, January 28, 2011

Children: Naughty or Nice?

Have you ever noticed how much easier, and so much more enjoyable it is to Play with children than it is to just 'mind' or 'watch' them?   The truth is that I never much enjoyed babysitting when I was a teenager.   I did it occasionally for pocket money, but always pined to be off reading a book by myself, and longed for the children's parents to get home!  

But actually playing and interacting with little ones is, I was happy to find, a completely different experience!  Teaching them, tickling them, talking and interacting  with them in ways that they love is Wonderful, exciting, and Fun! 

I was speaking with a young mother about our experiences of being at home with small children, (mine from long ago; her's recent).  We agreed that we had been greatly surprised by how much easier and more positive it was than we had anticipated.  By a long way.  We hadn't known there would be so much Joy and so much fun.  Or that meeting the challenge each day would be such a pleasant experience.  That there would be so much happiness in watching everything our little ones did.  So much wonder at how adorable they are, almost all the time.  I remember having a feeling almost constantly that the whole world should be watching each moment with me!  That anyone not there with me right then was missing out.  Of how special and precious each little look, and grimace and coo is.  Of how rewarding and fulfilling this time is.  Of how Grateful I was to be having that experience.

I know not everyone feels that way.   I think that if you are resistant and wanting to give it all a miss, (like me when I was babysitting), it's no fun at all!  If all you want is to finish reading that book, (or otherwise veg. out, get some work done, or go to the bathroom alone), then it's frustrating that you can't whenever you want to.  If your choice is for selfishness, (and I mean that objectively and not critically) as opposed to addressing yourself whole-heartedly and full-time to your role as wife, mother and home-maker - then being at home, alone, with small children, can be pretty awful!

The irony is that if you choose instead to truly embrace these roles, your days are so much Happier.  Not least because your children are so much more secure and cheerful when they have a mother who is truly devoted to them and their home and family.  Selfless service does equal Joy, just as the Saviour taught.  Losing yourself in service does equal finding yourself in the best way, just as the Saviour taught.

Like most things in life, it's actually easier to do it well than it is to do it badly!


  1. Beautiful words, all true, and expressed by the world's best mum.

  2. Aw Honey! I can't believe you looked on my blog! :D
    (I know you'll never see this note - but I will tell you about it :)

  3. Yes - the world's VERY best mum :)

    hear! hear!

    xo Tammy

    PS. You'll be glad to know I remember lots of our 'play' times :) xoxoxo

  4. Beautiful post Sandy! I totally agree. Motherhood is hard and a little annoying when one is too caught up in one's own agenda and trying to fit the children in around your own desires. But when you take the opportunity to centre your life on the children instead, it all becomes so much more enjoyable and even easier. But sometimes doing that is a little hard....
    Thanks for your encouraging words!

  5. Everything you have said is so very true. I agree 100%

    sometimes it is hard, but more often than not it is enjoyable. Getting on the ground and playing with the kiddies is lots of fun and exciting to see them grow and develop.

    I don't think i will have any regrets when the kids get older. Probably just miss the time I get to spend with them :)

  6. I was going to comment on this when I first read it, but was pulled away by my boys.

    so the long awaited comment now that they are asleep a few days later... "Amen."

  7. Gosh your blonde daughter is beautiful! - Especially in that mud photo :P So if I start to try and have a better attitidue and embrace Maggie instead of trying to do my own thing, I'll enjoy parenthood more... hm...will give it a go :) I agree with Dad and Tamara - You are the BEST mum ever!! xoxoxoxox

  8. Totally the world's best Mummy :) :) :) xoxo

    Yes Abby the child you're looking at is me before my hair changed colour when I got a little older :) But I thank you for the compliment :)
    Thanks Mummy. Yes I've been finding that sometimes it can be hard with my children but I love it when I spend more time with them and we play together and laugh and have food fights....all of this in my head of course :)

    Much loving xoxox
