Sunday, March 14, 2010

'Shout it from the roofs...'

Og Mandino said it well when he wrote: 'when I am moved to praise I will shout from the roofs.' I've remembered that since I first read it over thirty years ago. To me it is about the importance of giving people the credit that they have earned.

I was in a Visiting Teaching workshop last week when one of the sisters told of the valiance of her Visiting Teacher, who rode her bike to appointments when a car wasn't available. Another sister said, "yes, I know who you mean - she is my Visiting Teacher too - and she is wonderful!"

"Who is it?" I asked, although I thought I already knew. Ros is a very quiet and diligent sister who I thought could probably really use some unexpected recognition. She doesn't ever look for acknowledgement, but I think it would have helped all of us in the group to appreciate and value this sister a little more too, since she is often overlooked. I really hoped to have her 'outed' as our worthy role model.

Ros was actually sitting with a bowed head next to the good sister who had spoken first, who answered my question with a shake of her head - as if she felt that naming Ros would have been inappropriate somehow.

When I spoke to Ros afterwards, to tell her that I appreciated her good example, and knew that she had made a real difference in the lives of many because of her good works, she let me read a thank-you letter that she had received from one of the ladies she visited. It was very touching and instructive to read and I wish we could have heard it read out during the lesson. I don't think Ros would have minded people knowing that she was the diligent Visiting Teacher being referred to.

I think that always acknowledging people in a positive way is very important. I wish it always happened.

What do you think? And why doesn't it always happen?


  1. In uni studying teaching and during teaching we're always told to give positive acknowledgement and reinforce good behaviour, because it encourages those around them to do better, improves self esteem, motivates them to continue to do better, etc. I don't know why we stop it when people grow up, but I think maybe some people are worried about pride, or people feeling uncomfortable (too much fuss is obviously too much :P)? I think it's great to "Shout it from the roofs" even when people grow up for the same reasons we should do it for kids! :) Ros has always been a wonderful example of quiet service to me, ever since she was my Achievement Day leader when I was in primary :) You are also a wonderful example of quiet service to me too, Mama!!! :) xoxo

  2. I agree with everything that Abby said. Maybe the sisters didn't mention her name, because they felt they needed to seek her permission first to share the story? So instead they just said "My VT". I may have done the same thing.

    But it is certainly nice to recognise the good others do. And I also agree with Abby, you are a wonderful example of quiet service :)


  3. This is a very interesting topic. It can be embarrassing to be identified in that type of situation but as you say, it can benefit a lot of people if it's done appropriately.
    Sometimes people are worried about acknowledging others' achievements because it can make others feel inadequate, unsuccessful or 'untalented' etc. I had this problem last year when I was organising our YWIE night. Parents were concerned about me highlighting girls achievements because it made some look extremely successful and others not. Personally, I don't agree with this. Yes, there are always going to be people around us who are very talented and seem to be successful at everything they try their hand at, but does that mean we cannot acknowledge these individuals' accomplishments? Just so as not to make someone feel bad? Everyone has something they are good at and we can find goodness in every person to acknowledge which I did in the YWIE example.
    Shout it from the roof tops i say, when the time is appropriate and without going too overboard. We wouldn't want anyone to fall off!

  4. Hey! totally missed this post! I can't believe you're blogging and I'm missing it! :)

    And yes, I agree. I would have liked to hear them say it was Ros too ;)

    xo Tammy

  5. Wow how awesome is Ros? She is so lovely. Thankyou for sharing this Sandra, and it's so true- we should alway acknowedge people good works and show our appreciation for them. You and Abby were wonderful VT to me too. I miss your visits x
