Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I had a wonderful birthday!

It was actually a couple of weeks back now, but it was a wonderful birthday.   Coming up to it I was feeling unimpressed about having any fuss, and would almost rather have given it a miss, but am so glad that I, (and everybody else) didn't!  It was a lot of fun!
Tammy had informed me a couple of weeks earlier that her gift to me was a five day holiday with her.  She bravely ignored my, 'but I've got things to do at home', responses and off we jetted for a long weekend to Tasmania, with an itinerary emphasis, (after asking me what I would like), on history, houses and architecture, visiting the coast, and things culinary.   (I didn't actually specify the 'culinary', but we did that anyway :)  We landed in Launceston on the Thursday morning and picked up a hire car, before visiting historic Woolmer's Estate for a tour and a delicious lunch of freshly-dug vegetable soup and fresh-made bread.  While in that area we stayed at the fabulous Peppers at Calstock bed and breakfast, (built 1838). (Top and third photo down.)  I'm including  some pictures, and believe me, you would have loved to be with us!  Our breakfast on each of the two mornings was amazing too.  Happy sigh!  After day trips to the Raspberry Farm, the Ashgrove Cheese Factory, the Anvers Chocolate Factory, and the town of Devonport, on the coast, we drove to Hobart and stayed for two nights at the Hotel Islington, (built 1847), which was also Totally Fabulous.  (Second and fourth photos.)  It was also a B and B with amazingly good food - the kind where they make their own muesli, stew their own fruits, and whip up Eggs Benedict on order for your breadfast.  We also ate there one evening and Wow!  The first course was root vegetables: baby turnip, swede and beetroot, stewed in malt - and cooked to perfection!  Yum!  While in Hobart we also visited the markets, went to church, and visited the very interesting and historic penal colony, Port Arthur.  On Monday morning we flew home via Melborne, to visit the Titanic Exhibition there.   Phew!  I had a Wonderful time!  Thank you so much Tammy!  Our visit was so great, but the best thing was spending that time just with you, and catching up!
But wait - there's more! 
Neil takes my birthday off from work each year, and that is something that I really do look forward to!  Not even so much to spend the time with him, as to know he is having a short break during tax season, since he works such long hours for these months.  I was awoken with flowers, fresh fruit salad and orange juice, and fresh-made muffins, courtesy of Tammy and Oliver (who arose at 5am to get it done).   How nice!
After spending some lazy time in bed and chatting with Neil, we went....   tile shopping!  I know it sounds 'ugh', but I've been putting it off for weeks, and having Neil with me made it so much better :)  We had time for a movie and a bit of shopping afterwards, before heading home for a birthday dinner with all, and prepared by, the children, under Tammy's direction.  What a lovely evening it was!  I enjoyed everything so much :)
Jessima and Jonny's present to me was a beautiful, home-made book.   I was going to include pictures, but Jessima has written about it on her blog, here.   I love it, Jessima, thank you!  Abby had also been busy, also with a gorgeous little home-made book, about Maggie.  I love it too!  Everything from everybody was so much appreciated.  Including a '52 things we love about Mum' list that the children had written up together, which I loved too.  I feel incredibly grateful for such a generous and loving family.  Thank you everybody!

( Abby showed me how to photo-collage, thank you Abby!   Unfortunately, I haven't mastered positioning the photos on the page yet, sorry! :)

(You can see the photos more if you click on them, which will enlarge them, then click on them again, for full size :)


  1. Welcome back to blog land :)
    We are glad that you had a wonderful birthday. Tasmania sounds like a great time and great company too! Going on a holiday is always fun and I can't wait til our next!

    We're glad you like your presents. They were fun to put together. Plus your photos look great!

    Love Jessima

  2. Yay I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday, and I'm glad you blogged!!!! :) Fabulous photo collages, the places you went to look beautiful - can't wait to come next time, right? :) I love the book Jessima made of the kids, such cute photos!!! :) Happy Birthday!!!!! :) xoxoxox

  3. I'm glad you had a fabulous birthday and your husband and children make great efforts for you. I love you and your family.

  4. Your daughter took you to Tasmania for your birthday! Do you know how incredible that sounds?!?

    I think the way your children honor you on your birthday is a wonderful tribute to the kind of mother you are.

  5. Thanks so much for coming with me Mum! I had so much fun on that trip :) I think we should probably make it an annual thing - lol!

    Antartica next time maybe?! lol!

    xo Tammy
    PS. I really did love tasmania. And I loved all of that driving time to talk and talk and talk :) I really can't imagine that a mother could be any better than you! xoxoxoxoxo

  6. Looks like you had an absolute blast! Happy belated birthday Sandy! You have a lovely family xxx

  7. Next post already! It's been months (aka, one month) since you last wrote....

    You're not BUSY or something are you?! lol!

    xo Tammy

  8. I think you should write another post :) ...in all that spare time you have.. :P xoxoxxoxo
